MLRI working papers provided in this section review global best practice approaches to six thematic areas in the mining sector outlined below. Each working paper draws comparisons between Armenian practice and global best standards, pointing out key gaps in domestic legislations. It also provides preliminary recommendations for improvement. The working papers were prepared by Vlado Vivoda and Jonathan Fulcher of University of Queensland and are finalized based on stakeholder comments and suggestions.
Mining legislation in Armenia provides basic regulatory framework for the sector. However, it lacks some of the key best practice principles as it comes to environmental, social, public health, occupational safety, and economic aspects of resource governance. Domestic legislation still lacks effective polluter pays principles and precautionary measures, health impact assessment regulatory framework, ecosystem approach, mining revenues and their governance, etc. MLRI has reviewed and analyzed key gaps in the mining legislation with support of local and international experts. Given the ongoing legislative and policy initiatives in the sector and frequent changes both in regulatory and institutional framework, the analysis is updated regularly.
The Court Case Analysis, conducted by attorney Hayk Alumyan, analyzes Armenian’s judicial practice dealing with environmental and occupational safety, particularly in the mining sector. The analysis highlights key ruling patterns by Armenia’s courts on such cases.
The objective of this working paper is to examine Armenia’s fiscal regime for mineral extraction and to serve as a reference and discussion document in the context of anticipated policy and legislative reform dialogue focused on the structure of Armenia’s legal and fiscal framework for mining.
The MLRI Stakeholder Consultation Report documents the key mining sector issues and challenges raised by participants during an extensive nationwide civil society stakeholder consultation process. It represents the aggregate of views expressed in round table discussions, individual meetings and written submissions on the subject matter by stakeholders over an eight-month period between November 2018 and June 2019.